The Senior Week Hackathon is being organized at Wesleyan University by three Computer Science seniors:​

  • Julian Applebaum '13 (japplebaum at wesleyan dot edu)​
  • Evan Carmi '13 (ecarmi at wesleyan dot edu)
  • Anastasios Germanidis '13 (agermanidis at wesleyan dot edu)

This is the first contest of its kind at Wesleyan, and we hope that it becomes a campus tradition for years to come.

The banner logo for this site was designed by Lisa Sy (lsy at wesleyan dot edu). The site itself was built with Squarespace by Julian Applebaum.

After school, Evan will be traveling, Julian will be working at Squarespace, and Anastasios will be working at Quantcast. For any questions or comments, please feel free to contact any of the organizers.